283x400 - You just hijack the short code handler for image captions, grab the post_content (the image description) and set its content as a value for the attribute caption.
Original Resolution: 283x400 84 Adjectifs Anglais Pour Decrire Une Personne Caractere Grammaire Anglaise Vocabulaire Anglais Tous Niveaux La description est sans doute l'un des exercices les plus courants dans le monde scolaire, mais aussi l'une des activités les plus courantes quand on vous voilà prêt à décrire une image en anglais! 1024x768 - Vous pouvez apprendre vos vocabulaires de langue (allemand, anglais, espagnol, etc.), vos définitions de.
Original Resolution: 1024x768 Vocabulaire Anglais Cm1 Cm2 Image ids need to be unique. 4500x4500 - Voir plus d'idées sur le thème image anglais, londres angleterre, voyage à londres.
Original Resolution: 4500x4500 Se Decrire Physiquement En Anglais Wall Street English Generating dense descriptions of images (figure 1). 1190x1684 - Keep the listing description short, but make it at optimizing listing descriptions.
Original Resolution: 1190x1684 Le Vocabulaire De L E2 80 99immigration En Langue Anglaise Maitrise De La Langue Francaise En Contexte Plurilingue Guyane Image descriptions provide a textual description of images presented in digital documents. 500x500 - These image description guidelines were developed by the carl and ruth shapiro family national center for accessible media at wgbh (ncam) in conjunction with the diagram center (digital image and graphic resources for accessible materials) at benetech.
Original Resolution: 500x500 Mon Premier Livre De Vocabulaire Anglais Tiptoi Ravensburger Jouet Multimedia Achat Prix Fnac Difference between coco and pacal voc data formats will quickly help understand. 250x250 - Before thinking about descriptions, captions, alt text, and titles, add keywords to your images if you haven't already done that.
Original Resolution: 250x250 Vocabulaire Anglais Combat Pearltrees Also note that ids should be unique. 800x1280 - Forums pour discuter de image, voir ses formes composées, des exemples principales traductions.
Original Resolution: 800x1280 Apprendre L Anglais Top Cartes Memoire De Voc App Pour Android Telechargez L Apk Difference between coco and pacal voc data formats will quickly help understand. 768x1024 - It's becoming quite common that there a a number of methods which can be used to insert images into comments, journals and other sections of da.
Original Resolution: 768x1024 Lexique Vocabulaire Corps Humain En Anglais Tractus Gastro Intestinal Appareil Digestif Humain Forums pour discuter de image, voir ses formes composées, des exemples principales traductions. 1920x1080 - Small business owners might not be able to afford copywriters to create product descriptions, but it also means you shouldn't settle for bland copy for your store.
Original Resolution: 1920x1080 15 Jeux Pour Reviser Le Vocabulaire Courant En Anglais Couleurs Parties Du Corps Nourriture Pour Les Enfants De 6 A 12 Ans Apprendre Reviser Memoriser … (artist) painted … (image) in … (year).in (source) this (image) was published in. 800x2000 - Voir plus d'idées sur le thème image anglais, londres angleterre, voyage à londres.
Original Resolution: 800x2000 Vocabulaire Anglais Le Vocabulaire Anglais 2e Ed Revue Et Corrigee Paul Have a look at this layout. 1211x1600 - In this video we show you how to label or tag an image inside a word document so that people who use screen readers can engage with the image.
Original Resolution: 1211x1600 Telecharger Vocabulaire Anglais Important Pdf Vocabulaire Anglais Commercial Pdf Vocabulaire Pdf Exercices Pdf Com Learn vocabulary, terms and more with flashcards, games and other study tools. 320x180 - The primary challenge towards this goal is in the design of a model that is rich enough to simultaneously reason about contents of images and their representation in the domain of natural language.
Original Resolution: 320x180 Decrire Une Image Anglais We then describe a recurrent neural network architecture that uses the inferred alignments to learn to generate novel descriptions of image regions.