Leboncoin76 / Nous sommes convaincus que la proximité est génératrice d'opportunités. Posted by Bener Benur Sunday, June 7, 2020 Related PostsDinosaur King Parasaurolophus Card : Max, rex and zoe find out they have to rescue dinosaurs that can turn into cards and the alpha gang try and stop them because the crazy scientist dr z wants to become king of the and a parasaurolophus! zoe cried.Parasaurolophus Dinosaur King Paris : Its head looks like a hammer.Parasaurolophus Dinosaur King Armor / Like all armored dinosaurs, it was only available in the japanese version.Prehistoric Kingdom Parasaurolophus - Meaning near crested lizard, the name parasaurolophus is derived from the greek para/παρα beside or near, sauros/σαυρος lizard and lophos/λοφος crest.